Fluid was created as part of a collaborative piece called Vessel. 
Fluid combines the ideas of how interior design influences mental health, how gendered design elements can help you connect more to a piece and how we are all vessels choosing what the form looks like. 
My dissertation focused on gendered design which subconsciously plays a part within all of my designs. The title Fluid comes from gender fluidity, and how this piece incorporates both feminine and masculine design elements.
This piece has been displayed in the following exhibitions:
HND End of Year Show, A State of Being - Queen Street Studio, Belfast
USFolk's Big Queer Art Show 2024 - 2 Royal Avenue, Belfast
Fluid and other pieces from the Mist Collection were used during an event at Belfast Metropolitan College.

Fluid on display during the Big Queer Art Show 2024

Fluid in situ at Belfast Metropolitan College

Vessel - A collaboartive piece by Cré Collective at Queen Street Studio, Belfast